Saturday, May 7, 2011 ( 10:39 PM )
family is such an important part of my life and it is something that I value enormously. okay, hari ini nak cakap pasal ibu. HARI IBU. based on my observation, ramai yang menyambut hari ibu. especially on facebook. yeah, right. you all loves your mom. so do I. you should proud of yourselves like i proud of mine. and if you celebrate your mother on mother's day in your real life , that's much better. but if you just share a special post for your mom on your facebook like : OH MOM I LOVE U, NO ONE CAN REPLACE U IN MY HEART and so on but your mother knows nothing about that, then poor you. seriously, poor u. obviously, no?
At this very moment, you may be saying to yourself that you have any number of admirable qualities. You are a lovely, a caring person, someone who is smart, dependable, fun to be around. That's wonderful, and I'm happy for you, but let me ask you this: are you being any of those things to yourself? or at least to your beloved one? i mean your mother. hmm, it is your life so do as u pleased. just wondering and i'm not going to claim that people buat silap by posting instead of celebrating. it's up to individual creativity. everybody have their own style to celebrate. do make sure your mother know that u really loves her. For me, everyday is mother's day. so tak semestinya Hari Ibu je we need to treat her our best. basically every day we should treat her nicely. so there is no need a special day such as Mother's Day because every day, every minutes and every second , saya cinta ibu saya. malam tadi buat spaghetti untuk family. makan-makan sambil tengok merong mahawangsa. tak special pun kan? but spending time with my family is at the top of my list because the time we spend together is so precious.
( 1:56 AM )
dear diary,
there are some times
rasa kosong. rasa hilang. rasa tak diperlukan. vanished. no explanation. defend nothing.
thanks for every single thing.
sorry. even my sorry not worth it. i know.
it's fine to hate me. it's fine to hate me.
i won't defend myself as usual. at least for this time.
sebab diri sendiri dapat rasa. rasa sudah dibenci. rasa sudah dibuang.
too tired. a lot of things need to take care of.
terima kasih sekali lagi. atas jagaan, perhatian dan kasih sayang.
i need to rest. i need to breath.
or maybe i just need to stop. breathing.
Dear Lord, thanks.
me. just plain me.