24 JUNE 1989
MY SWEET RANDOM FACTS My name isn't Nanie.
I 0ften c0nfuse w0rst and w0rse.
I have never dyed my hair. I am ‘au natural’.
The first thing I d0 when I wake up is reach f0r my henf0n
I used t0 be really creative. WHERE HAS IT ALL GONE?!heh
My sense 0f hum0r is vast and 0dd. I laugh a l0t at stupid little things.
I talk t0o much and, if I’m really passi0nate ab0ut s0mething, t0o fast.
My star sign is Leo, and I kn0w these things are bullshit but
I d0 feel like the characteristics describe me quite well.
Tried to write a letter, In ink
I've got a peice of paper
Thursday, December 9, 2010 ( 2:28 PM )
(You MUST read them out loud or it doesnt make as much sense)...
1) Thats n0t right........ Sum Ting Wong 2) Are y0u harb0ring a fugitive................... Hu Yu Hai Ding 3) See me ASAP............. Kum Hia Nao 4) Stupid Man...................... Dum Fuk 5) Great... Fa Kin Su Pah 6) Did y0u g0 t0 the beach?... Wai Yu So Tan 7) I bumped in t0 a c0ffee table... Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni 8) I think you need a face lift... Chin Tu Fat 9) It's very dark in here... Wao So Dim 10) He's cleaning his aut0m0bile... Wa Shing Ka 11) This is a t0w away z0ne... No Pah King
F0r the l0sers wh0 didnt get it..... Wai Yu So Damb
( 1:20 PM )
Did y0u ever fall for s0me0ne y0u kn0w y0u sh0uldn't? Try hard t0 fight y0ur feelings, but y0u just c0uldn't? Y0u fall deeper with each passing day, But try hard t0 hide it in every p0ssible way. He's 0nly a friend, and n0thing else-- That's the lie y0u keeping telling y0urself. Y0u keep 0n saying he's just a bud, But deep inside, y0u're falling in l0ve. Y0u get s0 giddy when y0u meet his eyes, But keep reminding y0urself it isn't right. A simple glance turns int0 a stare, But y0u pretend that y0u d0n't care. It's "n0t right" f0r y0u tw0 t0 be. Is that why y0u hide it s0 n0 0ne can see? But h0w l0ng will y0u pretend? Keep lying that he's just a friend? Perhaps y0ur feelings y0u can never sh0w. Perhaps it's "wr0ng" f0r him t0 kn0w. Y0ur friendship can't be risked 0ver this, S0 being his girl is an imp0ssible wish... Really,h0ney?
If y0u l0ve some0ne secretly, put their name in a circle, n0t a heart, because hearts can be br0ken but circles g0 on f0rever
If you l0ve s0meone tell them... because hearts are 0ften br0ken by w0rds left unsp0ken.
Why b0ther l0ve em secretly? are y0u kidding me? 0h ho Pe0ple have the right t0 be stupid. S0me pe0ple abuse that privilege. bye!
Monday, December 6, 2010 ( 8:57 PM )
Ya ALLAH seketika di akhir tahun1431 ini InsyaALLAH muncul 1432 yang ceria. Engkau muliakan & sayangi penerima ucapan ini. berkati keluarganya, sihatkan tubuh badannya. limpahkan rezekinya,jauhkan daripada fitnah, penganiayaan & penghinaan. suburkan benih keimanan dengan penuh rasa kasih sayang. serta taqwa tanpa alasan. makbulkan lah ya ALLAH cita-citanya yang murni. Amin Ya Rabbal A'lamin.
If we, Should be getting under
These sheet, We could lie in this bed